Current Courses
ARAB 1010 - Elementary Arabic
Introduction to the sound and writing systems of Arabic, including basic sentence structure and morphological patterns. A combination of the direct, audio-lingual, proficiency-based, and translation methods is used. The format consists of classroom discussions of a certain grammatical point followed by intensive practice.
Credits: 4
ARAB 2010 - Intermediate Arabic
Continues training in modern standard Arabic, with emphasis on speaking, comprehension, writing, and reading. The method of teaching primarily follows the proficiency-based approach to language learning. Prerequisite: for ARAB 2010: ARAB 1020 or equivalent, or instructor permission; for ARAB 2020: ARAB 2010 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 4
ARAB 2250 - Conversational Arabic
Introduces students to spoken Arabic, with oral production highly emphasized. Prerequisite: ARAB 2020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3
ARAB 3010 - Advanced Arabic I
The goal of this course is to increase the student's knowledge of the Arabic language and culture via a communicative-based approach, meaning that though the students will be expected to learn grammatical structures emphasis will be placed on the functional usage of the language and on communication in context. Prerequisites: ARAB 2020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3
ARAB 4010 - Advanced Arabic III
The main goal at this stage is to reach a superior level of Modern Standard Arabic with due attention paid to all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing in addition to culture. Acquisition of more advanced grammatical structures will take place primarily through directed in-class drilling, coupled with an emphasis on the functional use of language through communication in context. Prerequisite: ARAB 3020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3
ARAB 4245 - Readings in Classical Arabic Prose
Students will gain insight and learn to appreciate some of the most influential "Arab" literary figures and some of the most celebrated classical Arabic prose masterpieces. Students will also broaden their critical and comparative perspectives with regard to some of the most important literary and cultural issues related to the overall poetics and politics of the Arabic-Islamic heritage. Prereq: ARAB 3020 or Instructor Permission.
Credits: 3
ARAB 5245 - Readings in Classical Arabic Prose
Students will gain insight and learn to appreciate some of the most influential 'Arab' literary figures and some of the most celebrated classical Arabic prose masterpieces. Students will also broaden their critical and comparative perspectives with regard to some of the most important literary and cultural issues related to the overall poetics and politics of the Arabic-Islamic heritage.
Credits: 3
ARAB 5410 - Advanced Arabic III
The main goal at this stage is to reach a superior level of Modern Standard Arabic with due attention paid to all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing in addition to culture. Acquisition of more advanced grammatical structures will take place primarily through directed in-class drilling, coupled with an emphasis on the functional use of language through communication in context. Prerequisites: ARAB 3020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3
ARAB 7120 - Introduction to Arabic Drama
This course introduces students to modern Arabic drama from the early pioneers' period in the 20th century to the contemporary era. We will study different forms of this genre including: musicals, traditional, experimental, feminist, and social drama. Further, students become acquainted with different schools of modern Arabic literary criticism and learn to analyze dramatic texts using critical analysis and specific theoretical terminology. Prerequisites: ARAB 5830 or 5840, or instructor's permission.
Credits: 3
Arabic in Translation
ARTR 5350 - Introduction to Arab Women's Literature
A comprehensive overview of contemporary Arab women's literature, this course examines all Arab women's literary genres starting from personal letters, memoirs, speeches, poetry, fiction, drama, to journalistic articles and interviews. Selected texts cover various geographic locales and theoretical perspectives. Special emphasis will be given to the issues of Arab female authorship, subjectivity theory, and to the question of Arab Feminism.
Credits: 3
HEBR 1010 - Introduction to Modern Hebrew I
An introduction to the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing system of modern Israeli Hebrew. By the end of this sequence students have mastered the core grammatical principles of Hebrew, along with a basic vocabulary of 1000 words, and they are able to read and understand simple texts and carry out simple conversation. Includes material on Israeli culture, history, and politics.
Credits: 4
HEBR 2010 - Intermediate Modern Hebrew
Continuation of the study of the fundamentals of grammar, with special attention to verb conjugation, noun declension, and syntactic structure, and their occurrence in texts which deal with modern Israeli culture and values. These texts, which include excerpts from newspapers and fiction, introduce 600 new words and expose the learner to political and other issues of modern Israel. Prerequisite: HEBR 1020 with grade of C or above, or instructor permission.
Credits: 4
HEBR 2410 - Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I
Readings in the prose narratives of the Hebrew Bible. Emphasizes grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. Attention to issues of translation and interpretation. Prerequisite: HEBR 1420 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3
HEBR 3010 - Advanced Modern Hebrew I
This course focuses on the conjugation of weak, or hollow verbs, and the passive of all conjugations. It also continues the study of subordinate clauses with special attention to adverbial clauses and their use. Texts for the course, which form the basis for class discussion in Hebrew and exercises in Hebrew composition, are drawn from various genres. Prerequisite: HEBR 2020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3
HEBR 4993 - Independent Study in Hebrew
Credits: 1-3
HEBR 8993 - Independent Study in Hebrew
Students whose proficiency in Modern Hebrew has already reached the advanced level, or alternatively students who for their research focus on Hebrew Literature in translation, will pursue an independent study that will focus on the reading and interpretation of texts, as well as the analysis of media. Prerequisite: HEBR 3010
HIND 1010 - Elementary Hindu-Urdu
Introductory training in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing Hindi and Urdu.
Credits: 4
HIND 2010 - Intermediate Hindi
Prerequisites: HIND 1020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Introduction to various types of written and spoken Hindi; vocabulary building, idioms and problems of syntax; and conversation in Hindi.
Credits: 4
HIND 3011 - Hindi in Contemporary Media
Language is a dynamic entity, and it keeps on changing. In HIND-3011, we will learn and build upon our knowledge of Hindi through social media, TV commercials, News, legendary Bollywood dialogues and songs that never lose their charm, and podcasts. The efforts to excel in Hindi reading, writing, speaking, and listening will remain the pivot for the course to improve your confidence in Hindi.
Credits: 3
Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures
MESA 2125: Gateway to the Middle East & South Asia
From the ancient history of games like chess and backgammon, to sports like badminton and falconry, to the "Great Game" of imperial conquests, this course offers a theme-based gateway to the long-connected regions of the Middle East and South Asia. Over the semester, we'll explore this region of the world through short stories, films, tv shows, games themselves, and cameo visits by other faculty--all on the topic of "playing games"!
Credits: 3
MESA 3111 - Film Festivals and Global Media Cultures: ME/SA Spotlight
"Film Festivals and Global Media Cultures: Middle East- South Asia Spotlight"- With an emphasis on transnational film festival histories and collective media cultures in the Middle East and South Asia, this course offers a semester-long study of film festivals, as an intersection of historical and media industry approaches to cinema. Tie-ins will include comparative analyses of local film cultures and film festivals.
Credits: 3
MESA 4998 - Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies Senior Thesis
Thesis research under the direction of a MESALC faculty member serving as thesis advisor and a second faculty member serving as second reader. The second faculty member may be from outside MESALC. Prerequisite: DMP major and instructor permission.
Credits: 0
MESA 8993 - Independent Study II
Independent Study II
Credits: 1-3
MESA 8995 - MA Research Seminar
Required course for all candidates for the Master of Arts in Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies. During this course the final paper, required for the MA, is written. Includes instruction in research methodology, data analysis and a history of academic research on these areas.
Credits: 3
Middle Eastern Studies
MEST 3492 - The Afro-Arabs and Africans of the Middle East and North Africa
This course offers an in-depth historical, philological, and socio-cultural exploration into the representation of the Afro-Arab and the African as depicted across a wide range of Arabic and Islamicate chronicles, saints' lives, and (mainly) folk epics, among sundry other genres. In the course of the semester, special attention will be given to significant moments in the history of Afro-Arab and Arab-African encounters.
Credits: 3
MEST 5492 - The Afro-Arabs and Africans of the Middle East and North Africa
This course offers an in-depth historical, philological, and socio-cultural exploration into the representation of the Afro-Arab and the African as depicted across a wide range of Arabic and Islamicate chronicles, saints' lives, and folktales, among sundry other genres. In the course of the semester, special attention will be given to significant moments in the history of Afro-Arab and Arab-African encounters.
Credits: 3
PERS 1010 - Elementary Persian
Introductory language sequence focusing on reading, writing, comprehending, and speaking modern Persian through audio-lingual methods. Persian grammar is introduced through sentence patterns in the form of dialogues and monologues.
Credits: 4
PERS 2010 - Intermediate Persian
Each course focuses on the development of reading, writing, and speaking skills. Special attention is paid to reading comprehension using selections from classical and modern Persian prose and poetry, preparing students for advanced studies in Indo-Persian language and literature. Prerequisite: PERS 1020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 4
PERS 3010 - Advanced Persian I
This course is designed to introduce the students to the world of Persian prose literature. We will read a variety of prose genre. We will look at the semantics, morphology, and syntax and analyze the topic vis-à-vis these aspects. Prerequisite: PERS 2020 or equivalent
Credits: 3
PERS 4993 - Independent Study in Persian
Independent study for advanced students of Persian. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Credits: 1-3
Persian in Translation
PETR 3125 - #MahsaAmini: Revolution and Media
This course examines the role of media in the formation, development, and outcomes of revolutions. Cases of the Iran Revolution of 2022, the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the Constitutional Revolution of early 20th century will be discussed in depth and the part media played in the dissemination of ideas, news, propaganda, etc. in these socio-political movements will be explored.
Credits: 3
PETR 5125 - #MahsaAmini: Revolution and Media
This course examines the role of media in the formation, development, and outcomes of revolutions. Cases of the Iran Revolution of 2022, the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the Constitutional Revolution of early 20th century will be discussed in depth and the part media played in the dissemination of ideas, news, propaganda, etc. in these socio-political movements will be explored.
Credits: 3
PETR 5559 - New Course in Persian Translation: Iranian Cinema: Gender, Religion, & Culture
This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject area of Persian Translation
Credits: 1-4
SANS 1010 - Elementary Sanskrit I
Studies Sanskrit sounds, the Devanagari script, and basic grammar.
Credits: 3
SANS 3016 - Selections from the Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva
A second-year course focusing on developing reading fluency in Sanskrit. Selections are chosen to reinforce student's knowledge of grammar from SANS 5020, to expand vocabulary, and to introduce the Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva, the most important collection of story literature in Sanskrit. Prerequisite: SANS 1020.
Credits: 3
SANS 4993 - Independent Study in Sanskrit
This course is meant to give students training in advanced Sanskrit
Credits: 1-3
SANS 8993 - Independent Study in Sanskrit
Independent Study in Sanskrit.
Credits: 1-3
South Asian Literature in Translation
SATR 3350 - Languages of Love in South Asia: Bhakti and Beyond
The course explores some of the most influential literatures of love and devotion to emerge from the Indian subcontinent. Starting with the Bhagavad-Gita -- the first South Asian text to dwell upon the idea of bhakti or "devotion" -- then to various other "classics" of South Asian love literature, spanning the Sanskrit, Persian, Hindi-Urdu, Tamil, Punjabi, Kashmiri, and other languages. Emphasis will be placed on Hindu and Islamic literature.
Credits: 3
SATR 5559 - New Course in South Asian Literature in Translation: Literatures of Love in South Asian Religions
New Course in South Asian Literature in Translation
URDU 1310 - Intensive Urdu Script & Grammar Review for Heritage Students
In this class we will conduct an intensive review of the Nastaliq script and the basic grammar of the Urdu language.This is not a class for students with no prior knowledge of Urdu. Rather it is designed to take advantage of the familiarity you already have with Urdu by virtue of growing up in a family where Urdu is frequently spoken. The pace will be quick, with an eye to enabling you to proceed directly to a 2000- or 3000-level Urdu class.
Credits: 4
URDU 2010 - Intermediate Urdu
Introduces various types of written and spoken Urdu; vocabulary building, idioms, and problems of syntax; and conversation. Prerequisite: for URDU 2010: HIND 1020 or equivalent.
Credits: 4
URDU 3010 - Advanced Urdu I
This course is designed to expand and to consolidate the structures the student has learned through URDU 2020 by reading original Urdu texts, ranging from literary prose fiction to news media excerpts to poetry (both classical and modern). We will discuss these texts in Urdu in class, and the students will be responsible for a series of short essays throughout the semester in Urdu pertaining both to the texts and to other topics. Pre-requisites: URDU 2020 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
Credits: 3