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Undergraduate Courses - South Asia

Current course offerings on SIS

Note: You must receive prior approval from an advisor before a course may count towards a degree program.

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ANTH 3700 - (3) Globalizing India

ANTH 5750 - (3) Buddhism, Politics and Power

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Architectural History

ARH 3601 - (3) East Meets West

ARH 3602 - (3) World Buddhist Architecture

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Art History

ARTH 2862 - (3) Arts of the Buddhist World - India to Japan

ARTH 2871 - (3) The Arts of India

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HISA 1501 - (3) Introductory Seminar in South Asia

HISA 1559 - (3) New Course in South Asian History

HISA 2001 - (3) History and Civilization of Classical India

HISA 2002 - (3) History and Civilization of Medieval India

HISA 2003 - (3) History of Modern India

HISA 2559 - (3) New Course in South Asian History

HISA 3001 - (3) History of Muslim India

HISA 3002 - (3) India From Akbar to Victoria

HISA 3003 - (3) Twentieth Century India

HISA 3111 - (3) Social and Political Movements in Twentieth Century India

HISA 3121 - (3) History of Women in South Asia

HISA 3559 - (3) New Course in South Asian History

HISA 4501 - (4) Seminar in South Asia

HISA 4511 - (4) Colloquium in South Asia

HISA 4559 - (3) New Course in South Asian History

HISA 4591 - (3) Topics in South Asian History

HISA 4993 - (1-3) Independent Study in South Asia

HISA 5021 - (3) Historiography of Early Modern South Asia

HISA 5101 - (3) Economic History of India

HIST 5559 - (3) New Course in South Asian History

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Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures

HIND 1010, 1020 - (4) Elementary Hindi-Urdu

HIND 1060, 2060 - (3) Accellerated Elementary and Intermediate Hindi

HIND 2010, 2020 - (4) Intermediate Hindi

HIND 3010, 3020 - (3) Advanced Hindi

HIND 3230, 3240 - (3) Readings in Hindi

HIND 4993 - (1-3) Independent Study in Hindi

PASH 1010, 1020 - (4) Elementary Pashto I & II

PASH 2010, 2020 - (4) Intermediate Pashto I & II

PERS 1010, 1020 - (4) Elementary Persian

PERS 2010, 2020 - (4) Intermediate Persian

PERS 3010 - (3) Readings in Modern Persian Poetry

PERS 3020 - (3) Readings in Modern Persian Prose Fiction

PERS 3230 - (3) Introduction to Classical Persian Literature

PERS 3240 - (3) Introduction to Modern Persian Literature

PERS 3559 - (3) New Course in Persian

PERS 4240 - (3) Advanced Readings in Sufi Texts

PERS 4993 - (1-3) Independent Study in Persian

PETR 3210 - (3) Persian Literature in Translation

PETR 3220 - (3) Twentieth-Century Persian Literature in Translation

PETR 3320 - (3) Life Narratives & Iranian Women Writers

PETR 3345- (3) Revolution and Social Reform Iran's Politcal Cinema

PETR 3559 - (3) New Course in Persian Literature in Translation

SANS 1010 - (3) Elementary Sanskrit I

SANS 1020 - (3) Elementary Sanskrit II

SANS 2012 - (3) Selections from the Mahabharata

SANS 2014 - (3) Selections from the Ramayana of Valmiki

SANS 2016 - (3) Selections from the Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva

SANS 2022 - (3) The Bhagavadgita

SANS 2024 - (3) Selections from the Upanisads

SANS 2026 - (3) Selections from the Puranas

SAST 1100 - (3) Introduction to South Asia

SAST 1300 - (3) Under the Colonized Gaze: British Empire & its Indian Subjects

SAST 2050 - (3) Classics of Indian Literature

SAST 2060 - (3) Bollywood Dreams: Indian Cinema

SAST 2280- (3) Introduction to the Literature ,Culture,Arts of the Indian Subcontinent

SAST 2200 - (3) Delhi: The Gateway to India

SAST 2559 - (3) New Course in South Asian Studies

SAST 2700 - (3) Indian Politics and Society

SAST 2800 - (3) The World According to South Asia

SAST 3300 - (3) The Pleasures of Bollywood: Melodrama, Realism, Mythos

SAST 3400 - (3) Pop Culture in South Asia: Advertising, Visual Aesthetics, Posters & Photography

SAST 3450 - (3) The Languages of India

SAST 3490- (3) Knowing South Asia: The Forms of Apprehension

SAST 3559 - (3) New Course in South Asian Studies

SAST 3640 - (3) Women & Politics in South Asia

SAST 3701 - (3) Business and Banking in South Asia

SAST 4559 - (3) New Course in South Asian Studies

SAST 4991 - (3) South Asian Studies Capstone Seminar

SAST 4993 - (3) Colonial Indians in the West: Negotiation, Appropriation, and Assimilation

SATR 2000 - (3) Introduction to South Asian Literature

SATR 2010 - (3) Remembering India's Partition through Literature & Poetry

SATR 2110 - (3) Cultural Translation: Travel Writing in South Asia

SATR 2300 - (3) Colonial and Postcolonial Literature in Translation

SATR 3110 - (3) Modern Urdu-Hindi Literature

SATR 3280 - (3) Poetry of Passionate Devotion: The Ghazal

SATR 3000 - (3) Women Writing in India & Pakistan: 1947 - Present

SATR 3010 - (3) Colors of Loneliness: Literature of Diasporic Imagination

SATR 3300 - (3) Literature and Society in South Asia: Breaking the Cast(e)

SATR 3559 - (3) New Course in South Asian Literature in Translation

SATR 3700 - (3) Medieval Indian Literature: Vernacular and Bhakti Revolution

URDU 2010, 2020 - (4) Intermediate Urdu

URDU 3010, 3020 - (3) Advanced Urdu I - II

URDU 3300 - (3) Readings in Urdu Poetry: An Ongoing Mahfil

URDU 3559 - (3) New Course in Urdu

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URDU 4993 - (1-3) Independent Study in Urdu

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PLCP 2700 - (3) Indian Politics and Society

PLCP 3630 - (3) Politics in India and Pakistan

PLCP 3640 - (3) Women and Politics in South Asia

PLIR 3750 - (3) South Asia in World Affairs

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PLIR 4260 - (3) War and Peace in South Asia

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Religious Studies

RELB 1559 - (3) New Course in Buddhism

RELB 2054 - (3) Tibetan Buddhism Introduction

RELB 2100 - (3) Buddhism

RELB 2120 - (3) Buddhist Literature

RELB 2559 - (3) New Course in Buddhism

RELB 3150 - (3) Seminar in Buddhism and Gender

RELB 3170 - (3) Buddhist Meditation

RELB 3408 - (3) Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy

RELB 3559 - (3) New Course in Buddhism

RELB 4559 - (3) New Course in Buddhism

RELB 5000, 5010- (4) Literary and Spoken Tibetan I & II

RELB 5020 - (3) Tibetan Perspectives on Tantra

RELB 5170 - (3) The Dalai Lamas of Tibet

RELB 5260 - (3) Seminar in Tibetan Buddhism II

RELB 5350, 5360 - (4) Literary and Spoken Tibetan III & IV

RELB 5390 - (3) Tibetan Buddhist Tantra Dzokchen

RELB 5430, 5440 - (3) Sanskrit Religious Texts

RELB 5460 - (3) Seminar in Mahayana Buddhism

RELB 5470, 5480 - (4) Literary and Spoken Tibetan V & VI

RELB 5490 - (3) Religious History of Tibet

RELB 5559 - (3) New Course in Buddhism

RELB 5600 - (3) Elementary Pali

RELB 5610 - (1-3) Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit

RELB 5660 - (3) Seminar on Indian Buddhism

RELB 3680 - (3) Pure Land Buddhism

RELB 5800, 5810 - (3) Literary Tibetan VII & VIII

RELB 5870, 5880 - (3) Colloquial Tibetan VII & VIII

RELB 5990 - (3) South Asian and Inner Asian Buddhist Bibliography

RELH 1559 - (3) New Course in Hinduism

RELH 2090 - (3) Hinduism

RELH 2110 - (3) Popular Hinduism

RELH 2559 - (3) New Course in Hinduism

RELH 3140 - (3) The Jain Tradition

RELH 3440 - (3) Gandhi to Terrorism: Religion and Violence in Modern India

RELH 3559 - (3) New Course in Hinduism

RELH 3710 - (3) Hindu Traditions of Devotion

RELH 3740 - (3) Hinduism Through Its Narrative Literatures

RELH 4559 - (3) New Course in Hinduism

RELH 5053 - (3) Hindu Philosophical Systems

RELH 5054 - (3) Hindu Ethics

RELH 5450 - (3) Hindu - Buddhist Debates

RELH 5559 - (3) New Course in Hinduism

RELH 5890 - (3) Vedic Hinduism

RELI 1559 - (3) New Course in Islam

RELI 2070 - (3) Classical Islam

RELI 2080 - (3) Islam in the Modern Age

RELI 2559 - (3) New Course in Islam

RELI 3110 - (3) Muhammad and the Qur'an

RELI 3120 - (3) Sufism: Islamic Mysticism

RELI 3559 - (3) New Course in Islam

RELI 3670 - (3) Religion and Politics in Islam

RELI 4559 - (3) New Course in Islam

RELI 5400 - (3) Muslim Comparative Theologies: Sunni - Shi'i Creeds

RELI 5410 - (3) Islamic Theology: The Shi'i Creed

RELI 5420 - (3) War and Peach in Islam: A Comparative Ethics Approach

RELI 5540 - (3) Seminar in Islamic Theology

RELI 5559 - (3) New Course in Islam

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SOC 3450 - (3) Women, Islam and Modernity